Complete list of utilities/variants
Base utilities
These utilities initialize scrollbar styling. You always need one of them, even if you're using custom widths.
Utility | Effect | Notes |
scrollbar | Enables custom scrollbar styling, using the default width | On Firefox, this is scrollbar-width: auto . Chrome is hard coded to 16px for consistency. |
scrollbar-thin | Enables custom scrollbar styling, using the thin width | On Firefox, this is scrollbar-width: thin . Chrome is hard coded to 8px for consistency. |
scrollbar-none | Hides the scrollbar completely | Because of browser quirks, this cannot be used to hide an existing styled scrollbar - i.e. scrollbar hover:scrollbar-none will not work. |
Colour utilities
All of the asterisks can be replaced with any tailwind colour, including arbitrary values and opacity modifiers. With the exception of the width utilities, all utilities are inherited by child elements.
Utility | Effect | Notes |
scrollbar-thumb-* | Sets the colour of the scrollbar thumb | |
scrollbar-track-* | Sets the colour of the scrollbar track | |
scrollbar-corner-* | Sets the colour of the scrollbar corner | The corner will only appear if you have both vertical and horizontal scrollbars. |
Nocompatible utilities
These styles are only available in nocompatible
mode. They won't have any effect on standards-track scrollbars, such as those used by Firefox or by Chrome/Edge by default.
Utility | Effect | Notes |
scrollbar-w-* | Sets the width of vertical scrollbars | The asterisk can be replaced with any Tailwind width setting, including arbitrary values. Only applies to scrollbars styled with scrollbar (not scrollbar-thin ). |
scrollbar-h-* | Sets the height of horizontal scrollbars | The asterisk can be replaced with any Tailwind height setting, including arbitrary values. Only applies to scrollbars styled with scrollbar (not scrollbar-thin ). |
scrollbar-thumb-rounded-* | Rounds a scrollbar thumb's corners | The asterisk can be replaced with any Tailwind rounded setting, including arbitrary values. |
scrollbar-track-rounded-* | Rounds a scrollbar track's corners | See above, but for the track |
scrollbar-corner-rounded-* | Rounds a scrollbar corner's corners | See above, but for the corner pseudoelement created when both horizontal and vertial scrollbars are present |
These variants are not available in tailwind-scrollbar
@v3. Use the built-in hover:
and active:
These variants don't have any effect on standards-track scrollbars, such as those used by Firefox or by Chrome/Edge by default. The responsibility of styling hover and active states is assumed by the browser in that scenario.
Variant | Effect |
scrollbar-hover: | Applies a utility when the scrollbar's thumb is hovered |
scrollbar-active: | Applies a utility when the scrollbar's thumb is active |
scrollbar-track-hover: | Applies a utility when the scrollbar's track is hovered |
scrollbar-track-active: | Applies a utility when the scrollbar's track is active |
scrollbar-corner-hover: | Applies a utility when the scrollbar's corner is hovered |